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LHB Linux Digest #25.03: BusyBox, solidtime, command history tips, reverse proxy and More

Don't stop Linux-ing :)

β€” Abhishek Prakash

Warp Terminal

Guess who's rocking Instagram? That's right. It's Linux Handbook ;)

If you are an active Instagram user, do follow us as I am posting interesting graphics and video memes.

Here are the other highlights of this edition of LHB Linux Digest:

  • Vi vs Vim
  • Flexpilot IDE
  • Self hosted time tracker
  • And more tools, tips and memes for you
  • This edition of LHB Linux Digest newsletter is supported by PikaPods.

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PikaPodsΒ allows you to quickly deploy your favorite open source software. All future updates are handled automatically by PikaPods while you enjoy using the software. I use it to self host Umami analytics.

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πŸ“– Linux Tips and Tutorials

Get more out of your bash history with these tips.

5 Simple Bash History Tricks Every Linux User Should Know
Effectively using bash history will save you plenty of time in the Linux terminal.
Abhishek Prakash