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Using Git

Git Show Files in a Commit

Are you adding all the correct files? Check the files that are part of a commit in git with this trick.

Warp Terminal

Once you are done with committing files in Git, you may want to list them to verify if the correct files are committed or not.

To do so, use the git show command in the following manner:

git show --name-only <commit_hash>

How to list files of a git commit

To list down the files of a git commit, you need a commit hash by which you can specify the commit to list files.

To find the commit hash, execute the git log command as shown here:

git log
Find the commit hash in git

Once done, you can use the commit hash in the following command to list down files of that particular commit:

git show --name-only <commit_hash>

For example, here, I wanted to list down the files of a commit that had a message saying "My second commit" so I used the following:

git show --name-only b1e9360d4496452e6b7b9bf81236e6df6bc06bac
Use the git show command with the hash to list files in git commit

As you can see, it shows the name of the user who performed the commit including the date and comment.

In my case, there are two files in the commit: File1.txt and File2.txt.

List files of the most recent commit

If you want to list files of the most recent commit, then you can skip the hash part from the previous command and use the HEAD flag instead:

git show HEAD --name-only
Use the git show command to list files of the most recent commit

List files of all the commits that were added or modified

This will only work with a single repository at a time and display files of all the commits of a single repository.

If you want to list files of all the commits at once in a single repository, then you can use the git log command in the following manner:

git log --oneline --name-status
List files of all the commits in git using the git log command

Improve your GitHub profile

But if you're a student and want to kickstart your GitHub journey, then here's how you can create a rockstar GitHub profile:

7 Tips to Make a Rockstar Student Developer GitHub Profile
Time to enhance the look and feel of your boring default GitHub profile with these tips and suggestions.

I hope you will find this guide helpful.

Sagar Sharma