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Introduction to Ansible Modules

Learn all about modules in Ansible. What are modules, why, and how they are used? Also learn about some popular Ansible commands.

Ansible is a powerful automation tool that simplifies the management and configuration of systems.

At the heart of Ansible's functionality are modules, which are reusable scripts designed to perform specific tasks on remote hosts.

These modules allow users to automate a wide range of tasks, from installing packages to managing services, all with the aim of maintaining their systems' desired state.

This article will explain what Ansible modules are, how to use them, and provide real-world examples to demonstrate their effectiveness.

What is an Ansible Module?

An Ansible module is a reusable, standalone script that performs a specific task or operation on a remote host. Modules can manage system resources like packages, services, files, and users, among other things. They are the building blocks for creating Ansible playbooks, which define the automation workflows for configuring and managing systems.

Ansible modules are designed to be idempotent, meaning they ensure that the system reaches a desired state without applying changes that are unnecessary if the system is already in the correct state. This makes Ansible operations predictable and repeatable.

Modules can be written in any programming language, but most are in Python. Ansible ships with a large number of built-in modules, and there are also many community-contributed modules available.

Additionally, you can write custom modules to meet specific needs.

Here's a simple syntax to get you started:

- name: My task name
  hosts: group_name  # Group of hosts to run the task on
  become: true      # Gain root privileges (if needed)
    arguments:       # Module specific arguments

This is a basic template for defining tasks in your Ansible playbooks.

Ansible Modules - Real-world examples

Let's examine some real-world examples to understand how modules work in action.

Example 1: Installing a package

Let's use the yum module to install the Apache web server on a RockyLinux.

- name: Install Apache web server
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Install httpd package
        name: httpd
        state: present

In this playbook:

  • The hosts directive specifies that this playbook will run on hosts in the webservers group.
  • The yum module is used to ensure that the httpd package is installed.

Let's run the above playbook:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

After the successful playbook execution, you will see the following output:

Install Apache using Ansible Yum module

Example 2: Managing services

Now, let's use the service module to ensure that the Apache web server is started and enabled to start on boot.

- name: Ensure Apache is running and enabled
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Start and enable httpd service
        name: httpd
        state: started
        enabled: yes

In this playbook:

  • The service module is used to start the httpd service and enable it to start at boot.

Now, run the above playbook:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml


Start and enable Apache service using Ansible service module

10 common Ansible modules and their usage

In this section, I'll show you some of the most commonly used Ansible modules and their usage.

1. ping

The ping module is used to test the connection to the target hosts. It is often used to ensure that the target hosts are reachable and responsive. This module is particularly useful for troubleshooting connectivity issues.

- name: Test connectivity
  hosts: all
    - name: Ping all hosts

This Ansible playbook named Test connectivity checks the network connectivity of all hosts in the inventory. It does so by running a single task: sending a ping request to each host. The task, named Ping all hosts uses the built-in ping module to ensure that every host is reachable and responding to network requests.

Ansible Ping Module: Check if Host is Reachable
Quickly test if a node is available with Ansible ping command.

2. copy

The copy module copies files from the local machine to the remote host. It is used to transfer configuration files, scripts, or any other files that need to be present on the remote system. This module simplifies file distribution across multiple hosts.

- name: Copy a file to remote host
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Copy index.html
        src: /tmp/index.html
        dest: /var/www/html/index.html

The above playbook targets hosts in the webservers group and includes a single task. This task uses the copy module to transfer a file named index.html from the local source path /tmp/index.html to the destination path /var/www/html/index.html on each remote host.

Ansible Copy Module [Explained With Examples]
The Copy module in Ansible comes in handy in your setup. Learn some practical examples.

3. user

The user module manages user accounts. It can create, delete, and manage the properties of user accounts on the remote system. This module is essential for ensuring that the correct users are present on the system with the appropriate permissions.

- name: Ensure a user exists
  hosts: all
    - name: Create a user
        name: johndoe
        state: present
        groups: sudo

This playbook contains a single task, which uses the user module to ensure that a user named johndoe exists on each host. Additionally, it assigns this user to the sudo group, granting administrative privileges.

4. package

The package module is a generic way to manage packages across different package managers. It abstracts the differences between package managers like yum, apt, and dnf, providing a consistent interface for package management tasks. This module helps streamline the installation and management of software packages.

- name: Install packages
  hosts: all
    - name: Ensure curl is installed
        name: curl
        state: present

The above playbook uses the package module to ensure that the curl package is installed on each host. The desired state of the curl package is set to present meaning it will be installed if it is not already available on the host.

5. shell

The shell module is used to execute commands on the remote hosts. It allows for running shell commands with the full capabilities of the shell. They are useful for executing ad-hoc commands and scripts on remote systems.

- name: Run shell commands
  hosts: all
    - name: Run a shell command
      shell: echo "Hello, World!"

This playbook uses the shell module to execute the command echo "Hello, World!" on each host. This command will output the text Hello, World! in the shell of each remote host.

Using the Shell Module in Ansible
Shell module in Ansible is a powerful tool for executing shell commands on remote hosts, but it comes with maintenance risks.

6. git

The git module manages Git repositories. It can clone repositories, check out specific branches or commits, and update the repositories. This module is essential for deploying code and configuration managed in Git repositories.

- name: Clone a Git repository
  hosts: all
    - name: Clone a repository
        repo: ''
        dest: /tmp

This playbook uses the git module to clone the repository from into the /tmp directory on each host.

7. template

The template module is used to copy and render Jinja2 templates. It allows for the dynamic creation of configuration files and scripts based on template files and variables. This module is crucial for creating customized and dynamic configuration files.

- name: Deploy a configuration file from template
  hosts: all
    - name: Copy template file
        src: /tmp/template.j2
        dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

This playbook uses the template module to deploy a configuration file by copying the template file located at /tmp/template.j2 on the control machine to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf on each host. The template file can contain Jinja2 variables that are rendered with the appropriate values during the copy process.

8. file

The file module manages file and directory properties. It can create, delete, and manage the properties of files and directories. This module ensures that the correct file system structure and permissions are in place.

- name: Ensure a directory exists
  hosts: all
    - name: Create a directory
        path: /tmp/mydir
        state: directory

The above playbook uses the file module to ensure that a directory at the path /tmp/mydir exists on each host. If the directory does not already exist, it will be created.

9. service

The service module manages system services. It can start, stop, restart, and enable services on the remote system. This module is essential for ensuring that the necessary services are running and configured to start at boot.

- name: Ensure a service is running
  hosts: all
    - name: Start a service
        name: nginx
        state: started

This playbook uses the Ansible service module to ensure that the nginx service is running on each host. If the service is not already started, it will be initiated.

Manage Services With Ansible Service Module
The service module in Ansible comes in handy for managing services across a variety of platforms.

10. apt

The apt module manages packages using the apt package manager (for Debian-based systems). It handles package installation, removal, and updating. This module is vital for managing software on systems using the Debian package management system.

- name: Install a package using apt
  hosts: all
    - name: Install nginx
        name: nginx
        state: present

This playbook uses the apt module, which is specific to Debian-based systems like Ubuntu, to manage packages. It specifies that the package nginx should be installed, ensuring Nginx is present and available on all targeted hosts after the playbook is executed.

Install and Manager Ubuntu Packages with Ansible APT Module
Ansible’s built-in APT module lets you manage packages on Ubuntu and Debian based nodes.


In this article, you explored the fundamental concept of Ansible modules, which are essential for automating tasks on remote hosts.

I showed the basic syntax for using Ansible modules and provided real-world examples of installing packages and managing services. Additionally, I listed and described common and popular Ansible modules, demonstrating their usage and importance in automating various system tasks.

To further enhance your skills, explore Ansible's extensive documentation and community resources to discover additional modules and advanced configurations.