LHB Linux Digest #24.04: SSH Course, SSH Tools and SSH Tips
This edition of LHB Linux Digest focuses specially on SSH.

The easiest and safest way to manage a server is to have physically access to it. But that's hardly the case in the real world. Usually, you connect to a remote server and manage it from your local machine.
SSH or Secure Shell enables you to achieve this, with a safe and encrypted data transfer. Linux Handbook has a detailed beginner's course for Pro members, teaching the basics of SSH and data transfer between machines using SCP, etc.

💭 What else you get in this edition of LHB Linux Digest:
- Some more SSH tools and tips
- Trippy, a network diagnostic tool
- YAML basics guide
- Tools and memes for Linux lovers
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Creator of Linux Handbook and It's FOSS. An ardent Linux user who has new-found love for self-hosting, homelabs and local AI.