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🐧LHB Linux Digest #22.13: Classic AWK and SED Tools, Docker Alternatives, Linux Certification and More

This edition of LHB Linux digest focuses on classic UNIX commands like AWK and SED.

Abhishek Prakash

Warp Terminal

This is the last newsletter of the year 2022. I hope you had a Linuxful year.

This month will pass quickly, thanks to the football WorldCup and the holiday season.

But that's no excuse for not getting your usual dose of Linux learning :)

💬 Let's see what you have in the last edition of 2022:

  • Docker alternatives (no, for real)
  • Classic and almost forgotten text processing tools like AWK and SED
  • Selected new articles on Linux Handbook
  • And the usual newsletter elements like memes, deals and nifty tools to discover
Abhishek Prakash