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Using Flatpak

Removing Flatpak Packages

Learn how to see installed Fltapak packages, remove them and clean up after the removal.

Warp Terminal

The easiest way to remove a Flatpak package is to use the uninstall flag along with the application ID of the target command as shown here:

flatpak uninstall <application-ID>

Want more details? Here you have it.

Uninstall a Flatpak package

As mentioned earlier, to uninstall a Flatpak package, you'd need an application ID of the package that you want to uninstall.

To know the application ID of the installed packages, you can list installed Flatpak packages using the following command:

flatpak list

Once you know the application ID of the target package, use the following command syntax to uninstall a specific package:

flatpak uninstall <application-ID>

For example, if I want to uninstall Spotify, then I will use the following:

flatpak uninstall com.spotify.Client
Uninstall a flatpak package

Remove unused dependencies

Once you remove a specific package, it is also a good idea to remove runtimes and extensions from your system to free up some storage.

Think of it as similar to apt autoremove which removes packages which once were dependencies of a package and now, no longer needed.

To remove unused runtimes and extensions from your system, use the following command:

flatpak uninstall --unused
Remove unused packages from flatpak

Wrapping Up...

It was my take on how you can remove flatpak packages from your system including a clean-up trick. I hope you will find this guide helpful.

Have doubts? Leave us a comment.

Satoshi Nakamoto